Does the shared digital storage at your office give you headaches, stomachaches, confusion, anxiety, bad dreams, insomnia or other sleep disturbances, poor concentration or lack of focus, or, in extreme cases, symptoms of digital hoarding and paranoia that coworkers might lose your files? This can result in difficult work environments and relationships, and half-files stashed on scattered drives to prevent data loss only worsen the potential for problems.
There is hope.
SkyTech Media Solutions has developed a revolutionary program involving customized treatment options, such as various levels of support contract, from 24/7 availability and on site support, all the way to simple advice on your next purchase, based on your particular treatment needs.
With SkyTech Media, you may experience an increase in creativity and confidence when the primary block—the anxiety over potential technical problems as well as the direct impact of the technical problems themselves—has been removed. You may also experience a general sense of euphoria when seeing the improvement in your work conditions, and preliminary studies show the euphoria may increase further when someone in your office asks you for technical help for the two hundredth time and you suddenly realize it’s not your problem anymore.
Side effects include expert technical advice, which may result in an increase in net revenue, including both an increase in direct revenue from the added productivity and a decrease in costs on technology in the long run when purchases are made as part of a professionally designed long-term plan. You may also experience joy at meeting SkyTech Engineers, who are screened for engineering ability and general good-person-ness, and are both friendly and good with children. Should you experience an increase in appetite, that has nothing to do with us. In fact, if you call us out, we’ll likely share the snacks, thus decreasing the calories you personally consume. Teamwork.
You don’t have to ask your doctor—with SkyTech, you can self-refer. Talk to a SkyTech Engineer today to see if SkyTech is right for you.
(Spoiler alert: We totally are.)